Action Plans 2024
Engaging in Church Life
Being rooted in church life: daily Bible-reading, attending worship, involved in a BFG, and serving regularly.
Action steps for this year:
- Set an attendance goal (like 40 Sundays this year), and track your worship attendance.
- Join a BFG or talk to you BFG leader on how you can help
- Membership class: this summer (BFG hour)
- Serve on a ministry team:
Acorn schedule:
- Newcomers classes: April 28; Aug 18; Oct 6
Basics of Christian Life course: begins March 17 in the BFG hour.
Basics of Christian Life: mentoring option—sign up online to get 1-on-1 coaching through the course on your schedule.
Serving God and Others
Turning away from a self-serving mindset and looking for ways to seek the good of others and of God.
Action steps for this year:
- Sign up to Serve on a ministry team:
- Serve on a Love Out Loud ministry team (December)
- Love Out Loud service fair: November 3
- Church work days: March 2, March 16, Sept 7; Operation Christmas Child packing party: November 2
Acorn schedule:
Shape and Calling:
- Sign up to go through it with a mentor.
Other suggestions:
- Adopt the spiritual discipline of service:
- Refuse to hurry others; choose to wait; look to serve rather than be served when with others.
Denying Self to Obey God
Choosing the will of God and the good of others above getting your own way; doing God’s will, even when you don’t feel like it.
Action steps for this year:
- Spiritual disciplines course.
- Parents Habits of the Household study (Feb 18, March 17, April 21, and May 19 @ 4:30 pm)
- Men’s and Women’s Bible study groups: Sunday evenings (Women), Tuesday morning (women); Tuesday evenings (Men).
Acorn schedule:
Intro to Spiritual Disciplines:
- Offered in the fall
- Small group or mentor options available
Other suggestions:
- Begin tithing—give a set portion (aim for 10%) of your income each week.
- Pray a daily offering prayer:
- “Lord Jesus, today I offer my thoughts, my feelings, and my body to you. Lead me as you will.”
Seeking God
Understanding and regularly practicing spiritual disciplines and habits that open your life to the work of the Holy Spirit.
Action steps for this year:
- Choose a Bible-reading plan (go to or look in our resource center)
- Breakthrough/Encounter study
- Spiritual disciplines course (in the fall)
- Wednesday night adult Bible study and prayer
- Men’s and Women’s Bible study groups: Sunday evenings (Women), Tuesday morning (women); Tuesday evenings (Men).
Acorn schedule:
- Men: Saturday mornings, Apr 6-May 4
- Women: Sunday afternoons, Mar 24-May 5
Intro to Spiritual Disciplines:
- Offered in the fall
- Small group or mentor options available
Shape and Calling:
- Sign up to go through it with a mentor
Other suggestions:
- Utilize the key beliefs prayer guide (resource center)
Living in Victory
Living free from habitual sin and free from trauma and pain from the past. Emotional health.
Action steps for this year:
- Breakthrough/Encounter study
- Men: Conquerors BFG (focuses on these issues).
- Written and online resources (ask Pastor Steve)
- Healing prayer session (ask Pastor Steve)
Acorn schedule:
- Men: Saturday mornings, Apr 6-May 4
- Women: Sunday afternoons, Mar 24-May 5
Other suggestions:
- Utilize the key beliefs prayer guide (resource center)
- Look online for resources (podcasts, books, etc.) from Pete Scazzero.
Praying Effectively
Praying persistently as a son/daughter of God, with increasing intimacy, consistency, and power.
Action steps for this year:
- Use an Operation Andrew bookmark (look in resource center), praying for the salvation of people in your circle of influence.
- Prayer revival: August 25-28 (Sun-Wed evenings)
Acorn schedule:
- Men: Saturday mornings, Apr 6-May 4
- Women: Sunday afternoons, Mar 24-May 5
Intro to Spiritual Disciplines:
- Offered in the fall
- Small group or mentor options available
Other suggestions:
- Utilize the key beliefs prayer guide (resource center)
- Pray a daily offering prayer: Lord Jesus, today I offer my thoughts, my feelings, and my body to you. Lead me as you will.”
- Develop a habit of morning, mid-day, and evening prayer.
Being honest with God about your struggles and joys. Letting other Christians know you well and love you.
Action steps for this year:
- Go on a retreat.
- Share your testimony in your BFG, in worship (live or video), or in another small group.
- Invite someone to be your prayer partner.
- Participate in fun events: block party, game nights, Harvest Heat, etc.—and invite others.
Acorn schedule:
Go on a retreat:
- D-Now (students): February 16-18
- Camp: Kids (June 18-21) or Youth (July 5-7)
- Men & Boys weekend: Sept. 20-21
- Women’s retreat: October 25-26
Give a public testimony:
- Contact Pastor Steve or Ryan to schedule a testimony in worship; contact your BFG leader or small group leader to give testimony there.
Letting people in, sharing your life and your resources to welcome and shelter others.
Action steps for this year:
- Serve with Laundry Love (second Saturdays of the month)
- Host a BFG gathering in your home.
- Invite neighbors or non-Christian friends for a meal in your home.
- Love Out Loud: Adopt-a-Student project.
- Participate in fun events: block party, game days, men’s and women’s outreach events, etc.—and invite others!
Other suggestions:
- Serve on the hospitality team or on the Wednesday night meal team, taking time to get to know visitors.
- Hang out in your front yard; greet neighbors and passersby. Initiate conversation with neighbors.
- Plan a neighborhood block party with neighbors.
- Visit for more resources and ideas.
Working as an agent of unity rather than conflict, across dividing lines, working for reconciliation in the world.
Action steps for this year:
- Participate in Breakthrough/Encounter study, especially focusing on forgiveness.
- Wednesday adult Bible study on Peacemaking (September/October ).
Acorn schedule:
- Men: Saturday mornings, Apr 6-May 4
- Women: Sunday afternoons, Mar 24-May 5
Other suggestions:
- Refrain from sharing political views or articles on social media.
- Reduce time watching the news, especially partisan opinion programs.
- Reduce social media consumption, particularly anything that stirs up contempt or envy for others.
- Serve on Wednesday Night meal team, with an emphasis on getting to know our visitors and praying with them.
- Read authors like John M. Perkins (see Pastor Steve).
Sharing Christ
Openly speaking about Jesus to others. Confidently and consistently sharing the gospel with those who don’t yet believe.
Action steps for this year:
- Participate in Laundry Love (second Saturdays).
- Use an Operation Andrew bookmark (look in resource center), praying for the salvation of people in your circle of influence.
- Go on a mission trip.
- Participate in Share training.
Acorn schedule:
Share training:
- Wednesday night adult study in the summer (June 19-August 7—tentative).
Go on a mission trip:
- Information meeting: Feb 25th after worship
Seattle mission trip: June 11-17
Mexico mission trip: July 15-22
Other suggestions:
- Use the Operation Andrew steps on the bookmark.
- Speak openly about your relationship with Jesus to others.
- Share the weekly sermon or service on social media with a thought about what God spoke to you.
Teaching others what you know—how to follow Jesus, ways to grow, how you serve. Passing on what God has taught you.
Action steps for this year:
- Parents Habits of the Household study (Feb 18, March 17, April 21, and May 19 @ 4:30 pm).
- Use an Operation Andrew bookmark (look in resource center), praying for the salvation of people in your circle of influence.
- Volunteer to mentor a new believer.
Acorn schedule:
Be a mentor:
- Mentor a new believer (ask Pastor Steve).
- Start a Kids Outdoor Zone group for boys (ask Pastor Steve).
Other suggestions:
- Befriend/mentor a younger married couple (if married)
- Befriend/mentor a younger single person (if single)
- Recruit someone to your area of service and show them how you do it.
Faith-Filled Risk-Taking
Stepping out from what’s comfortable and into the unknown, trusting Jesus with what comes next.
Action steps for this year:
- Go on a mission trip!
- Participate in Laundry Love (second Saturdays).
- Volunteer with the student or kids ministry.
- Sermon series: Fear and Loathing (fall)
Acorn schedule:
Go on a mission trip:
- Information meeting: Feb 25th after worship
- Seattle mission trip: June 11-17
- Mexico mission trip: July 15-22
Other suggestions:
- Begin tithing—give a set portion (aim for 10%) of yourincome each week.
- Pray a daily prayer: “Lord Jesus, set me free today from my fears. Show me where you are working and I will join you. I trust you, because I know you love me.”